Spending lots of money on chemicals and items to clean your home? Now, with the coronavirus on the mend, people are doing anything to save a few bucks. What you already have in your pantry or laundry room could help you save money. Look no further than what you already have at home.

Ashley Riley
4 min readDec 24, 2020

We ALL have that one problem when we go to the grocery store or your local retailer, We walk down the cleaning isle and see this new amazing product that promises “ It will get it cleaned or your money back”. We buy the product, use it maybe once or even twice and then.. It sits.. on the shelf.. in the basket.. AND WE NEVER USE IT AGAIN! Thennnn… We are left going back to the same store, to the same isle, buying another product. What worked for me, you ask? I stopped buying all these same cleaners and dug into what i had at home.

I First experimented with my shower and bath tub. To me, especially when someone is sick or a virus is going around one of the most important rooms in my house I have to keep clean other than my kitchen is, The bathroom. If you are someone who has kids, a Family or busy outside wranglin’ up cows and have children who live for the outdoors then you know showers are a must to any Momma. Those showers and tubs are hard to keep the rings of dirt and grim away. I cant stand when the bottom of the tub is dirty. So enough of me ramblin’ on. Here is the product hacks I found around my house with out going back to the store every time I see something “New” and “Improving”.

  • Dryer sheets! Yes, Dryer sheets. You do not even have to add additional product which is great! They are safer than Scrubber pads and Brillo pads and will not scratch your bath tub or shower.
  • Directions: Let warm water run just a bit in the tub, enough where you can get all sides damp. Take your dryer sheet and run it through the water just like you would a wash cloth making sure that it lathers, just a little. Then gently circle where dirt or grim might be. Use some elbow grease if you need to! (I use Gain but this can be any brand and the plus side is when cleaning it smells Great!)
  • Baking soda. Baking soda makes everything amazing! Not only is this used for keep your fridge and freezer smelling fresh but you can use this product in everyday cleaning. I use baking soda for my grout in the shower using a tooth brush. I sprinkle some down the drains even for mildew and molding. Baking soda is a safe all natural product that can be used with other household items. Using baking soda for toilets, showers and sinks, I stock pile this stuff.
  • Vinegar. Now, I know what your thinking.. My house is going to smell like a pickle factory, there ain’t no way am I putting this stuff all over my house Ashley, your crazy! Trust me. Use it! Try it! Love it! Vinegar when combined with baking soda is amazing at cleaning toilets bowls, sinks, bath tubs (use the dryer sheets with this for a great clean)mirrors, windows and I even use this on my tile and laminate flooring with baking soda and warm water and base boards using a damp cloth. Hailed as a natural, nontoxic cleaning marvel, killing some household bacteria, dissolving hard-water deposits, and cutting through grime at a fraction of the cost of brand-name cleaning products
  • Floor cleaner using Baking soda, Vinegar and warm water.

Directions: Fill a bucket of luke warm water about half way. I use a half a cup of vinegar and half a scoop of baking soda. Mix and mop

Toothpaste. Toothpaste is one item you can utilize for many things. Well, Maybe I have. Pimples, a face mask, and even polishing silverware and faucets. Yes, Face masks. You may smell like a foot, but your face is smooth as a baby’s behind!

To use toothpaste for a polish: Take 1 Tea spoon of any toothpaste brand and mix into a bowl with 2 Table spoons of warm water. Mix until the paste has a bit of consistency. Using a damp paper towel or rag rub paste onto faucet fixtures and being to rub as you would be cleaning. This product like others will not cause product build up. Continue to rub to catch any access that still may appear!



Ashley Riley
Ashley Riley

Written by Ashley Riley


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